The Light At The End

A lovesick man is saved from certain death by a divine light, but is there a hidden agenda behind the intervention?

Heartbroken Cliff has been dumped by his beautiful girlfriend Suzie. A desperate attempt to reconcile with her leaves him staring death in the face. As he battles supreme power to save his relationship, an important lesson in life comes to light in this dark comedy.


After Taste Lab, I decided to experiment with a look that was cleaner, more simple, and which let me focus on animation and storytelling. "Keep it simple, but do it well" was the mantra, and after a lot of tests with the Freestyle Renderer for Blender, I came up with a style I was happy with.

Whereas the story for Taste Lab naturally formed very quickly, the plot of this film took many rewrites. I've tried to insert more pathos into it than my previous work, but it was a big challenge to find the right balance of comedy and drama, since both are fighting for such little screen time.

The Light At The End again features a great score from Chris Moorson. Big thanks also go to Dave Gallagher, who helped out with the head modelling of the main character on his 3D Appeal Now! blog.

Read my post on making The Light At The End here.